- Model: ibe-36
- SKU: ibe-36
Risala Roohi Sharif by Sultan Bahoo
English Translation and Exegesis with Persian Text
Risala Roohi Sharif is one such Divine Message; concise, comprehensive, and complete conveyed to us through the most eminent Sufi Saint of the Sub Continent, Sultan Bahoo. He has written 140 books, of which Risala Roohi Sharif is the most popular and is the essence of all his teachings.
This Divine Book not only opens the doors of the spiritual world upon its readers but is also a source of elevation for those Seekers of Allah who have been demoted from their spiritual level. It is the only book by Sultan Bahoo which is often recommended as Wazeefa (litany) in various mystic orders. Its magnificent spiritual values owing to the fact that Hazrat Sultan Bahoo has written it while being in the state of Absolute Oneness with Allah at the station of HaHooiyat.