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Sahih al-Bukhari | English Translation | 5 Books Set

Sahih al-Bukhari | English Translation | 5 Books Set
Sahih al-Bukhari | English Translation | 5 Books Set
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Sahih al-Bukhari

5 Volume Set, NEW, English Translation with Arabic,

[A4] Hardback - 5 Books, almost 4000 pages,

by Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari,

English translation by Prof. Muhammad Irfan al-Qadri.

Description :

This is the long-awaited New authentic Sunni translation of the premier hadith collection in English. This hadith collection is known as Sahih al-Bukhari and considered authentic (Arabic: صحيح البخاري, Sahih al-Bukhari) as one of the six major hadith collections. (Hadith are oral traditions recounting events in the life of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad, May Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Muslims view this as their most trusted collection of hadith and it has been called "The most authentic book after the Noble Qur'an. These prophetic traditions were collected by the Muslim scholar al-Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, May Allah is pleased with him, [810/870] and published during his lifetime. He was a scholar from the region of Bukhara, hence the name by which he is known. Imam al-Bukhari belonged to the Shafi'i School. He traveled widely throughout the Abbassid empire for sixteen years, collecting those traditions he thought trustworthy.

It is said that al-Bukhari collected over 300,000 hadith and transmitted only the 2,602 traditions that he believed to be Sahih. The book covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance of Islam such as the method of performing prayers and other actions of worship directly from Prophet Muhammad, May Allah bless him and grant him peace. This work of many years by Imam Bukhari, may Allah be pleased with him, who before writing any Hadith in his book performed ablution and two units of prayer asking guidance from Allah Almighty. Then he would do the necessary research and investigation, observing if the particular hadith fits into his strict criteria of authenticity and if he is sure that the hadith is authentic, he wrote it in the book.

---Volume I   - 772 pages,

---Volume II  - 798 pages,

---Volume III - 726 pages,

---Volume IV - 886 pages,

---Volume V  - 770 pages.

English & Arabic. The page layout consists of the English text (translation) with parallel Arabic on the same page, literally side by side. Scroll right down to see images from inner pages.

Table of Contents :

From the Introduction of Volume [I] :

---Publishers Note.


---Necessity of Hadith,

---The legislative status of Hadith,

---The compilation of Ahadith,

---Technical terms for Ahadith,

---Definition of Hadith,

---Types of Hadith,

---Types of compilations of Hadith,

---Grades of compilations of Hadith,

---Classification of people associated with the Science of Hadith,

---Types of Weak Hadith,

---Research on the phrase 'Ghairu Sahih' (incorrect),

---The difference between context and chain,

---The status of a fabricated Hadith,

---Details of matters which are proven by Ahadith,

---The strength of a weak Hadith,

---The taste of the Aimah for different narrations,

---Famous Huffaz,

Biography of Imam Abu 'Abd'ullah Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari,

---Imam Bukhari, radi Allahu ta'ala anhu,

---Birth and Genealogy,

---Preliminary Circumstances,

---Period of Education,

---Journey to the Haramayn and the commencement of writing,

---The Journey for Seeking Knowledge,

---Remarkable Memory,

---Teachers and Mentors,

---God-Gifted Wisdom,

---Awareness of many chains,

---Awareness of defect in Hadith,


---Fear of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala,

---Good Manners,

---Imam Bukhari's School of Thought,

---Teachers Remarks,

---Contemporaries remarks,

---His students remarks,

---The number of his students,


---Conflict of Creation of the Qur'an,


---Approved by Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala's, Apostle, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam,

---The Blessings of Imam Bukhari's Tomb,

---The Last Word,

---Sahih al-Bukhari,

---Reason for Compilation,


---Reverence and Protocol,





---Taleeqat - Their Reasons & Kinds,

---Recurrent Ahadith,



---Number of Narrations,

---Headings of the Chapters,

---Comparision between Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim,


----[i] Ilam us-Sunan,

----[ii] Sherh al-Bukhari,

----[iii] Sherh al-Bukhari,

----[iv] Sherh al-Bukhari,

----[v] Kitaab an-Najah,

----[vi] Shawahid at-Tawdeeh,

----[vii] At-Talveeh,

----[viii] Al-Kawakib ud-Durari,

----[ix] Minhul Baari,

----[x] Misbah al-Jami,

----[xi] Fathul Bari,

----[xii] Umdat ul Qari,

----[xiii] Al-Kawthar ul Jaari,

----[xiv] At-Tawshih A'la al-Jami as-Sahih,

----[xv] Irshadus Sari.

---Imam Bukhari's Lapses,

---Lapse in mentioning authority,

---Lapse in presenting text of Hadith,

---Lapses in deriving the lawpoints,


Volume [I] :

---[1] The Commencement of Revelation,

---[2] The Description of Faith,

---[3] The Book on Knowledge,

---[4] The Book of Ablution (wudhu),

---[5] The Book of Bathing (ghusl),

---[6] The Book of Menstruation,

---[7] The Book of Dry Ablution (tayamum),

---[8] The Book of Prayer,

---[9] The Book of Prayer Times,

---[10] The Book of the Call to Prayer (adhaan, azaan),

---[11] The Book of the Friday Prayer (jum'ah),

---[12] The Book of Fear,

---[13] The Book Concerning the Day of Eid,

---[14] The Book of Witr Prayer,

---[15] The Book of Prayer for Rain,

---[16] The Book of the Eclipse,

---[17] The Book of the Prostration whilst Reciting the Qur'an,

---[18] The Book regarding the curtailed (restricted) Prayer,

---[19] The Book of the Night (tahajjud) Prayer,

---[20] The Book regarding the Excellence of Performing Prayer in the Sacred Mosques of Makkah al-Mukarramah and Madinah t'al-Munawwarah,

---[21] To perform an action during Prayer,

---[22] The Book on Forgetfulness,

---[23] The Book on Funerals,

---[24] The Book of Zakat.

Volume [II] :

---[25] The Book of Hajj (pilgrimage),

---[26] The Book of Umrah (minor pilgrimage),

---[27] The Book of Detention (during pilgrimage),

---[28] The Book of Compensation for Hunting Game,

---[29] The Book of Excellence regarding Madinah al-Munawwarah,

---[30] The Book of Fasting,

---[31] The Book of the Nightly Congregation during Ramadan (al-Tarawih),

---[32] The Book regarding the Excellence of the Night of Power,

---[33] The Book of the retreat within the Mosque (Itikaf),

---[34] The Book on Business & Trade,

---[35] The Book of Advance Payments,

---[36] The Book of Pre-Emption,

---[37] The Book of Wages & Salary,

---[38] The Book of Transfer of Debt,

---[39] The Book of Guardianship,

---[40] The Book of Precept of Proxy,

---[41] The Book of Farming and giving the Land on Rent,

---[42] The Book of offering Water to Drink,

---[43] The Book of Borrowing, Debt, Interdiction and Insolvency,

---[44] The Book on Disputes,

---[45] The Book of finding & possession,

---[46] The Book of Cruelty and Pillage,

---[47] The Book of Partnership,

---[48] The Book of The Pledge,

---[49] The Book of Emancipation,

---[50] The Book of Slaves & Freedom,

---[51] The Book of the Excellence of Giving Gifts,

---[52] The Book of Evidence,

---[53] The Book of Making Peace,

---[54] The Book on Conditions,

---[55] The Book of Wells,

---[56] The Book of the Excellence of the Holy War & The Prophet's Biography.

Volume [III] :

---[57] The Book of the Obligation of the Royal Fifth from the Booty,

---[58] The Book of Jizyah and Peace-Making,

---[59] The Book regarding  the Commencement of the Creation,

---[60] The Book of the Stories of the Prophet's, peace be upon them,

---[61] The Book of Excellences,

---[62] The Book of the Excellences of the Prophet's Companions,

---[63] The Book of the Merits of the Ansaar,

---[64] The Book of the Military Expeditions led by the Prophet, Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam.

Volume [IV] :

---[65] The Book of Commentary of the Qur'an,

---[66] The Book on The Excellence of the Qur'an,

---[67] The Book of Nikah / Marriage,

---[68] The Book of Divorce,

---[69] The Book of Maintenance,

---[70] The Book of Food,

---[71] The Book of Aqiqah,

---[72] The Book of Slaughtering and Hunting,

---[73] The Book of Sacrifice,

---[74] The Book of Drinking & Vessels,

---[75] The Book of Diseases & Illnesses,

---[76] The Book of Medicine,

---[77] The Book of Garments and General Appearance.

Volume [V] :

---[78] The Book of Manners,

---[79] The Book of Seeking Permission,

---[80] The Book of Invocations,

---[81] The Book of Words & Character,

---[82] The Book of Pre-destination,

---[83] The Book of Oaths and Vows,

---[84] The Book of Expiation of Oaths,

---[85] The Book of Inheritance,

---[86] The Book of Prescribed Punishment,

---[86a] The Book of Punishments against whom War is waged,

---[87] The Book of Blood Money,

---[88] The Book of making the Bigots Repent & fighting against such people,

---[89] The Book of Coercion,

---[90] The Book of Playing Tricks,

---[91] The Book of Interpretation,

---[92] The Book of Trials & Strife,

---[93] The Book of Commands,

---[94] The Book Aspirations,

---[95] The Book of Single Sayings,

---[96] The Book of Keeping Firm to the Qur'an & Sunnah,

---[97] The Book of Tawhid; Oneness of Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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